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HISTORIAS                    Manuel Espejo

She Is Gone 

H. purchased a piece of fruit at the market, then climbed into her car, starting the engine, and drove away.

K. watched her departure, feeling like a part of his life had left with her. However, the memories of the joyful days they'd shared would always endure, as well as the sweet photographs of their time together. All the passionate moments they'd shared over the years would remain eternally imprinted in his heart.

Despite everything, he still loved her. He had lost her, but he firmly believed that she had been the love of his life.

This marked the end of a onc
e-beautiful romantic story, and K. couldn't help but shed a tear as he thought, "It's all over now. Forever. I can never get her back."

The evidence of a happy marriage was what the police would find. K. had never should've allowed her to access his bank account balances. Now, he found himself bleeding, bound, and waiting for death. She had planned everything meticulously. The murder would appear to be a robbery, and she would be portrayed as a wealthy, grief-stricken widow.

And he would die, a fool in love, hopelessly smitten until the end.


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