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HISTORIAS                    Manuel Espejo



G. remained on the street, keeping a watchful eye, while M. decided to enter the property by scaling the fence. Using pliers, he carefully removed the metal grid from a window, breaking the glass in the process, and gained access to the house.

Unfortunately, they couldn't find a key for the front door, which presented a complication. Inside the house, G. and M. measured the dimensions of the broken glass and grid used to enter. They would need to replace the door lock as well.

After a quick trip to purchase the necessary materials, they managed to change the lock, replace the glass, and fix the window grid in less than a couple of hours. The house was now under their control.

However, trouble began when the house's occupants returned. It was midnight, and they were inebriated, causing a ruckus that disturbed the entire neighbourhood. Frustrated that they couldn't enter, they resorted to hurling stones at the door.

G. and M. had anticipated this and were unfazed by their behaviour. They had no intention of involving the police, as an investigation might reveal their illegal entry, leading to their eviction. So, they resigned themselves to wait and see how events unfolded.

The intoxicated individuals continued their raucous behaviour, even threatening to call the police, although they never did. Meanwhile, neighbours observed from their homes but didn't intervene or alert the authorities.

After a few hours, the squatters decided to depart. They would need to find another place to spend the night. It was evident that the house's owners hadn't agreed to pay them the requested 6,000 euros to vacate. Instead, they had dispatched others to reclaim the property.

"Very well," thought the squatters, "there are plenty of houses. No house is worth getting into trouble for. Until the police and the laws are more effective in dealing with squatters in this country, we'll move on, and the problem will be resolved. Next time, it'll be simpler."

And so, they departed in search of another property to occupy.

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